Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fenugreek Tea

Fenugreek Tea Benefits

There are many health benefits of fenugreek herb tea, the tea regulates blood sugar levels by slowing the rate that sugar enters the body. Fenugreek is known for its ability to increase breast size and fullness by actually helping to grow breast tissue! A natural breast augmentation from a traditional herb

Fenugreek has strong laxative properties as it contains a high amount of mucilaginous fiber. This fiber swells after being mixed with fluids, but as the body is unable to digest it, it is dispelled from the colon taking with it any residual compacted waste.

Check out some of the products that include Fenugreek in them.

Removal of this waste from the body promotes weight loss, and as the digestive tract is cleansed it will function better for improved digestion. This is one of the reasons fenugreek is usually found in various detox teas and it even helps to reduce the symptoms of halitosis.

The tea has also known to increase breast milk in nursing women. It has been proven effective in increasing lactation for those who have a less-than-adequate supply for their newborns.

Fenugreek herbal tea has also been known to help with the symptoms of bronchitis and coughs, as it breaks up and removes excess mucus in the chest causing the problem.

Get your Fenugreek Tea at Wholesale Prices Here

Fenugreek Tea Side Effects

Known side effects to using fenugreek tea include, diarrhea, bloating, or excessive gas, and with prolonged consumption the user may find their urine or sweat also starts to smell like maple syrup. 

As such, anyone using fenugreek supplements who are on medications for diabetes, cholesterol, hypoglycemia, or high blood pressure should first consult their medical practitioner, as the effectiveness of these medications may be increased.

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